start game Governors Island

oyster city fort jay gov island

Oyster City Bird Coin Gov Island

A few shots taken using our Oyster City app; this is just prior to our July Swing Space Open Studio on Governors Island, NYC. Rachel and I are happy that we were granted this space, March – July 2013, by the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council. These shots show the Aquaculture site of Oyster City being played/experienced. Oyster City is an iOS app as walking tour and game being produced by Meredith Drum and Rachel Stevens in collaboration with Phoenix Toews.

Oyster City test shots out on Governor’s Island, July 2013



Rachel Stevens and I are testing different augmented reality elements for our Oyster City AR app here on Governor’s Island (NYC) during our Lower Manhattan Cultural Council swing space residency. These are screen shots of our tests. Oyster City is an environmentally focused walking tour and game as augmented reality iOS app. It will be released this summer as a free download on the Mac app store. We hope to move to other platforms soon, droid and windows. We want to expand our audience beyond those with Mac products. Our programming resources are limited, though, and programming for multi-platform takes a good bit of time so this is still on the wish list. If any programmer would like to donate time to the project, we would be thrilled.

Article about Terrestrial Transmissions show at U of Virginia.

The Double

Lydia Moyer wrote a smart article about the show she curated at the University of Virginia that included my short science fiction video, The Double. She says: Of particular interest to me was the theme of transmission—the attempts to communicate with some kind of other. Of course transmission is not an uncommon theme in video art, having roots in broadcast or signal transmissions. But these transmissions seemed different, more human–coming out of a deeply held desire to communicate with something outside the self, be it men or plants or the great unknown. Read here.

Our Open Studio LMCC Gov’s Island

oyster city 003

Rachel Stevens and I pose in our Oyster City studio during the LMCC open studios on Governor’s Island, May 25 and 26. We will have our second and final open studio out there on July 13 and 14, 2013. Come visit.

Artist Talk Pratt Manhattan Gallery April 27 at 2:30 pm

I will be speaking about my creative work using augmented reality technology as well as my research regarding possible historical precedents for AR on Saturday April 27 at Pratt Manhattan Gallery. The talk will take place at 2:30pm in Room 213 (adjacent to the gallery) 144 West 14th Street, 2nd floor, NYC 10011.

Artist Talk at University of Maryland

Just returned from an artist talk on augmented reality at the Digital Cultures and Creativity Honors College, University of Maryland, College Park. Thank you to my gracious hosts: Krista Caballero and Hasan Elahi.

View from my studio window – Governor’s Island

The view from my Swing Space studio on Governor’s Island. Rachel Stevens and I have been granted this space through July by the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council in support of our Oyster City project.

Outer Spaces and Augmented Mountain at Scope NYC 2013

I will be at the Scope Art Fair this weekend in our Outer Spaces / Augmented Mountain booth (A08). Mitch Miller and Heather Weed will also be there. Come say hello if you are around. Scope, this year, is in the grand old post office on 33rd.

Filming in the Algodones Dunes, CA, Feb. 23, 2013

I just returned from filming these lovely sand dunes in the Algodones Dunes Wilderness, southeastern California. The footage is for Grisha Coleman’s echo::system project. Photo taken by Vita Berezina-Blackburn, the talented animator on the project, who accompanied me on the trip into the desert.

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