Desert Oyster at ISEA2012

Here is our AR mini oyster museum, Desert Oyster, in the New Mexico desert. Desert Oyster is an off-shoot of Oyster City. Created specifically for ISEA2012 Albuquerque, Desert Oyster was made by Rachel Stevens and me, Meredith, using Palimpsest, an AR tool kit developed by Phoenix Toews.

Pyrite at the Scope Art Fair NYC March 2012

Pyrite app for iPhone and iPad
A collaboration that I am working on with Mitch Miller and Phoenix Toews, Augmented Mountain, released a new version of our Pyrite app in conjunction with the Scope Art Fair in New York City, March 7-11. You can visit our website: The app is a free download on the app store. Check it out!

Pyrite at the Scope Art Fair Miami 2011

Pyrite is a new augmented reality mash-up game created by my collaborative Augmented Mountain (Mitch Miller, Phoenix Toews, Meredith Drum). We released the game as a technological partnership with the Scope Art Fair, Miami 4-9, 2011. Above is a video taken of someone playing the game at Scope Miami.

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