
We got Fish Stories Community Cookbook back from the printer and it looks great. We have been sending copies out to contributors and gave a bunch a way for free at the Pier 42 Fall Celebration on Oct. 25. Email us if you would like a copy. Many thanks to Andy and G&P Expert Printing on Center Street; if you are looking for a terrific printer with good prices in Lower Manhattan look no further then G&P.

Fish Stories Workshops at 2Bridges Kids After School at Two Bridges Neighborhood Council

In mid June I led a three day workshop at the Two Bridges after-school in East Chinatown. I created a curriculum that invited the students to imagine and design their own seafood restaurant for their neighborhood. We looked at menus from a selection of the many existing seafood restaurants already in Chinatown and admired photos of their interior spaces. We learned about the kinds of seafood (and other ingredients) available wholesale, and studied costs in order to properly set prices on our menus. We also talked about the aquatic life living in the NY Harbor (upper and lower). I showed the students maps of the harbor and gave them information, provided from the New York State Health Department, about the kinds of fish (and quantities) that are safe for children to eat. I emphasized that fish for eating should only be caught in the lower harbor.


Fish Stories at LES Ecology Center Fishing Clinic June 2015

Rachel and I took part in the LES Ecology Center’s fishing clinic on Friday June 26. It was a lovely afternoon. We collected several terrific recipes for Fish Stories from the families and individuals that were there. All photos by Rachel.





April 18 iLand Symposium

Here are some images that Jennifer Wen Ma took during our April 18th workshop as part of the iLand 2015 Symposium at Two Bridges Community Room in the LES. Our workshop set out to engage the five senses in contemplating and recording boundary conditions in the Lower East Side. We walked a path of edges and collaborated in small groups through a participatory mapping exercise that sought to question our perception of edges through the lenses of media, memory, navigation and temporality. What are the qualities that signify a boundary? How do you know you are at an edge? How do we record a shift or change?
The Embodied Mapping iLAB Residency group includes Kate Cahill (Architect), Kathy Creutzburg (Sculptor/Public Artist), Meredith Drum (Intermedia artist), Meredith Ramirez Talusan (Writer/artist/dancer), Jennifer Wen Ma (Interdisciplinary artist) and Liza Zapol (Artist / Oral Historian).




Co-hosting Gender Play Panel at Rutgers April 18


With Kat Griefen I am co-hosting a Plenary Session titled Gender Play at Rutgers University’s Extending Play Media Studies conference April 18. Our panelists are Myfanwy Ashmore, Heidi Boisvert and Gillian Smith. I like this mission of the conference: Play can be hard work and serious business. It’s time to push beyond the conceptualization of play as merely the pursuit of leisure and consider how the issues of power, affect, labor, identity, and privacy surround the idea and practice of play. The Rutgers Media Studies Conference: Extending Play aims to explore, understand, and facilitate discussion of play as a mediating practice and how play operates at the center of media.

iLand Symposium April 17 +18

My iLand collaborative group Embodied Mapping will be part of the iLand Symposium on April 17 + 18. Events at South Street Seaport Museum and Two Bridges Neighborhood Council.  Embodied Mapping includes Kate Cahill, Meredith Ramirez Talusan, Jennifer Wen Ma, Kathy Creutzburg, Liza Zapol, Joe Goldman and me. For more info:

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