The wonderful Eva Davidova invited me to show my new animation as part of Happenland, a show she curated with Almudena Baeza Medina at Radiator Arts. They also included Pyrite, an AR app made by Mitch Miller and Phoenix Toews with my help back in 2011. Happenland opened on Oct. 30th and will run through Dec. 11, 2015. It is a wonderful show that includes lots of great artists including Cliff Evans and Marina Zurkow. We are going to do a talk at the gallery on Dec. 10th. More soon. Here is a link: http://www.radiatorarts.com/gallery/




Co-hosting Gender Play Panel at Rutgers April 18


With Kat Griefen I am co-hosting a Plenary Session titled Gender Play at Rutgers University’s Extending Play Media Studies conference April 18. Our panelists are Myfanwy Ashmore, Heidi Boisvert and Gillian Smith. I like this mission of the conference: Play can be hard work and serious business. It’s time to push beyond the conceptualization of play as merely the pursuit of leisure and consider how the issues of power, affect, labor, identity, and privacy surround the idea and practice of play. The Rutgers Media Studies Conference: Extending Play aims to explore, understand, and facilitate discussion of play as a mediating practice and how play operates at the center of media.

Terrestrial Transmissions Photos University of Virginia

Collage Terrestrial Transmissions
Photos from Terrestrial Transmissions at the Ruffin Gallery, University of Virginia, Jan. 25 – Feb. 22, which included my short sci-fi video The Double. Top left pictures me with the other artists in the show: Krista Caballero, Ashley Brett Chipman, Stephanie Hough and Julia Oldham. Top right is of curator Lydia Moyer talking in the gallery. I was honored to be included.

Artist Talk and Exhibition at the University of Virginia

Two stills from my low-fi science fiction The Double (still above), a video that will be included in a group exhibition, Terrestrial Transmissions, curated by Lydia Moyer, Ruffin Hall Gallery, University of Virginia from Jan. 25 – Feb. 22. I will be traveling to Charlottesville to give an artist talk in Lydia’s class on Jan. 25. Looking forward to it! Thanks Lydia. Read more here.

AIR History Video

In 2008 I created a short (16-minute) documentary about AIR Gallery, the first artist-run, all-women gallery in the U.S. Founded in 1972, the gallery is still going strong and is home to many interesting artists and runs several important public programs. Esteemed artists Nancy Spero, Dotty Attie, Mary Beth Edelson, Agnes Denes, Ana Mendieta and others began their careers at AIR> The AIR documentary was produced as part of the AIR History show, on exhibit at Fales Library and the Tracey / Barry Gallery at New York University from May through October 2008. The video was produced by Kat Griefen and AIR Gallery. Major funding was provided by Fales Library. Camera, editing and directing by Meredith Drum.

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