Oyster City Prototype
My collaborators and I presented a prototype of Oyster City in October in NYC. To see documents of the prototype visit our Flickr set. We also presented a workshop at the New School as part of the MobilityShifts: International Future of Learning Summit. We were pleased to be part of this summit, a week of events exploring digital fluencies in a mobile world and nontraditional learning opportunities outside of schools and universities. Oyster City is a game and walking tour enabled by an augmented reality browser developed for the iPhone/iPad. The piece makes visible social, political, ecological and gastronomic histories of oysters in lower Manhattan and New York Harbor. Our project provides an active experience for the user/player/reader/actor and a meaningful place-based tool for learning. During the workshop we discussed investigative research of local spaces and then together sketched design-narratives and ergodic structures to make hidden histories visible. The Oyster City team is Meredith Drum, Rachel Stevens and Phoenix Toews. Read more about our MobilityShifts workshop here.